Where We Fly

North River Air has the ability to fly you nearly anywhere in Alaska. We have extensive experience around the state, but primarily work on the North Slope, Brooks Range, Interior Alaska out of Fairbanks, and Kodiak. We have aircraft based in Fairbanks and Kodiak. For any project or job exceeding 50hrs we will shuttle the aircraft to the base location of your choice for the price of fuel only. 

North River Air currently uses:

3 Cessna 180 or 185 float, wheel, or ski equipped aircraft. 3 passenger seats. 700 lb payload* (up to 900 lbs for short flights and good landing zones)

*Payload in this sense means what you can bring, body and gear. Payload does not include pilot, fuel, or company survival equipment. For example two guys with 10 days of food and gear going on a float trip will not be able to fly out in one load, they may need 2-3 flights depending on size of gear.

Rates for Common Locations:

  • Fairbanks – $950/flight hour
  • Kodiak – $990/flight hour
  • Kobuk and Gates of the Arctic NP day tour – includes 1/2 hour on ground at each park – $4500. Price is for entire aircraft (up to 3 passengers)
  • $10 per person per flight to/from National Parks or Refuges. These agencies charge us to drop you off and pick you up–we are just passing the fees along  

 We charge an hourly rate based on location. Fuel prices vary widely around the state, and our rate is adjusted accordingly. Email: northriverair@hotmail.com and we can give you a quote for anywhere we normally fly, or an estimate otherwise.

These rates are for reference only and may change at any time